Let’s Talk Enrichment…

Enrichment is so important for dogs (especially during the summer) because it provides them with mental stimulation to prevent them from becoming bored, which can lead to destructive behaviours. According to experts, doing 15 mins of enrichment for you dog is equivalent to doing an hours walk. Especially on the hot summer days when your dog may not be going for a walk until the evening when it’s cooler, to help with any restlessness it is a good idea to give them an enrichment activity to do. This can help keep them occupied and cool (if its a frozen treat) during the day. Doing enrichment with your dog also helps to build a stronger bond with them. 

Some enrichment ideas include snuffle matts, slow feeders, puzzle games with hidden treats, a knotted towel filled with treats, licky matts, water games and playing with their toys like fetch or hide and seek. Each dog will have its preferred enrichment activity as some dogs are food motivated so the snuffle mats/licky matts would be perfect for them where’s some dogs are praise motivated so for their enrichment it could be teaching them tricks or playing fetch and praise if them after they perform the trick or bringing back the ball. 

Enrichment games/toys can be found at most shops or online retailers however you can always make diy enrichment activities for your dog too. Some DIY ideas could be the towel knot (as seen on TikTok) where you lay your towel out flat and sprinkle treats over it then roll it up, and once it’s rolled up you tie it in a knot and give it to your dog for them to work out. Depending on how quickly you dog works it out you can tighten the roll and the knot, but if they are struggling you can help them to undo the knot or tie it looser. Simple healthy foods like red peppers can be stuffed and frozen, in some cases this can be a safer option especially if you dog like to consume more than just food! Some other ideas could be putting treats inside a cardboard box and giving it to your dog to try and work out how to get the treats out, putting the box upside down for an extra challenge.


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