Dog hair getting to you this shedding season? Here’s how to cope with it

With autumn around the corner, you probably know what’s coming: dog hairs, lots of it!

It’s perfectly normal for dogs to shed old and damaged hair so that new and healthier hair growth can take place. Not all dogs shed hair, however, as this depends on the breed’s coat type.

If you do find yourself dealing with dog hair – it can become a nuisance, fast – luckily, there are ways to prevent your home from drowning in dog hair:

Ways to keep your home free of dog hair

Keep your dog’s diet in check

Just like us, dogs also need a daily dose of vitamins and nutrients to ensure that their hair follicles remain strong and robust.

While it won’t help them avoid hair shedding altogether as it is a natural process, it will definitely help to reduce it. So, always go for meat-rich dog food and avoid dog foods that are heavily processed with corn and grains. The meat-rich variety might be costlier but it is also jam-packed with nutrients which your dog can digest more quickly and easily.

This will improve their skin health and help you control the rate at which they shed hair.

Regular dog grooming in Winchester is a must

Whether it’s dog grooming in Winchester or anywhere else, it is a must!

When your dog’s fur is regularly brushed, it will get rid of dead hair, but you do need to find an appropriate brush for it. Some dogs tend to shed more than others, in which case, a de-shedding tool is needed. These brushes are especially made to remove dog hair with ease and help you reach the difficult areas on their undercoat.

Additionally, regular trips to your dog grooming and doggy day care centre are also very important, as these are great for keeping your dog’s fur healthy and keeping them happy by taking them on long dog walking trips once they are done with their grooming and pampering.

Maintain a regular bathing routine for your pet

Bathing your dog removes dead hair which would otherwise leave little traces all over your home.

However, try not to get overzealous and bathe your dog too much. Dogs have rather sensitive skin which means overbathing them can really make it dry, causing itchiness and irritation. This is not only a very uncomfortable experience for your dog but will also make them shed even more hair.

Do the appropriate cleaning around your house

Now, let’s shift our focus to what you can do to clean up the doggie hairs that are stuck in all kinds of places:

·       Lint rollers – For smaller areas or those which require a quick touch-up, lint rollers are perfect.

·       Rubber gloves – A pair of dry rubber gloves can help you pick up pet hair from carpets via residual static. Just rub your hands along the surface and you’re golden.

·       Baking soda – For larger areas with more stubborn mounds of hair, apply some baking soda to dry carpets. But if they are damp or wet, avoid baking soda.

At Happy Hounds, we offer quality doggy day care all day long. From dog walking and dog grooming in Winchester to delightful treats and lots of love – bring your pet over so they can receive the pampering of a lifetime!


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